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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


To support teaching and research at the University of Cambridge, the Betty & Gordon Moore Library provides the University’s major working collections in science and technology. This includes collections in mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, materials science, engineering, biological, chemical, earth and environmental sciences.

We have also expanded our range of online resources and support lines with our Online Learning Hub and Physical Sciences LibGuide which feature everything from tips on productivity and research resources, to advice on wellbeing and ways to get help.

Our colleagues at Cambridge University Library have introduced more ways in which you can access their collections and spaces and you can find details of those here.

Our latest news updates are here and you can find the answers to some of the Library's other frequently asked questions (FAQs) here.

You can meet our library team here and you can delve into the history of our library here.


Got any questions?

You are very welcome to e-mail the Library at if you have any queries relating to any of the above.

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