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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Q. Am I allowed to use the Moore Library, and how do I join?

Full details are given in the Joining the Library section.

Q. How many books can I borrow? And for how long?

Please see the information provided on borrowing categories.

Q. Can I study in the library after staffed hours?

The library can only be accessed during staffed hours. 

Q. I'm not a mathematician - can I still use the Moore Library?

Yes - the Moore Library is open to all!

Because our stock covers mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, materials science, engineering, biological, chemical, earth and environmental sciences, we expect most usage from people affiliated to those departments. However, you are no less welcome to join our library if you are studying / researching something else entirely. In particular, we have a significant number of users who make no use of our stock at all, but just find our library a good place to study.

Q. How do I search the library's online and print collections?

The iDiscover search facilities cover physical and online resources across all of the University of Cambridge Libraries (including the Moore Library). Should you wish to learn more about iDiscover you can consult the iDiscover Cambridge LibGuide. Remember, you can always ask one of Moore library team at the desk or via email.

Q. I've found a book I need on the catalogue. How do I get hold of it?

To find a book in the library, you will need to note the classmark from the catalogue entry. For mathematics, the classmark begins with a Q, as below:

This classmark is found on the book's spine label and will help you find it on the shelf. The classmark sequence at Moore library runs alphanumerically from the top floor down to the ground floor. There are signs on every floor to help you find the classmark that you are looking for.

If you have any questions, or a book is not where you think it should be, please come to the library issue desk on the ground floor and we will help you to locate the books you need.

Q. The book I need is already on loan- how can I get a copy?

It is possible to place a request (recall) on any loaned item from the Moore Library's main collection.

Item requests can be placed on your behalf by staff at the Service Desk, or you can set them up yourself from the iDiscover catalogue.

  • The current borrower will receive a system-generated message informing them of the new date by which the book must be returned. Once the book is returned, the system automatically generates a message informing the recaller that the requested book is ready for collection; you will also be notified by a member of the library team.

To place an item request on a Moore Library book using iDiscover, please follow the instructions at this link: scroll down to Requesting and renewing items.

A requested item will be held for a limited period before being returned to the shelf. Please do let the library team know if you no longer need the item at any point, so that they can make it available for other readers again.

If an item is being held for you, please ask for it at the Library Issue Desk.

Please note that the request service is only available during Term time.

Q. My books are overdue. How much will it cost me?

Fines are no longer charged for oversue books. However, if somebody requests (recalls) a book that you have on loan and you do not return it on time, you may be fined: please see current fine rates for details.

Fines are not charged for days (or hours) when the Library is closed.

Q. I'm going home for the vacation. Can I take some books with me?

Yes, but please note that readers are responsible for all library items charged to their account.

You should also be aware that as soon as term begins, borrowed items become requestable by other readers, so you should be sure that you can quickly return the books should they be needed by others.

Q. How can I return books when the library is closed?

We have a secure Dropbox outside the entrance area of the library next to the revolving doors. However if the library is open, please return items inside the library (either at the issue desk or the self-issue machine)

Q. How do I use the computers in the Library?

There are four kinds of computer in the Library:

University Managed Desktop (UMD) machines. These PCs are managed by the Moore Library and the UL in collaboration with University Information Services (UIS) to provide a full range of computing services to users. Click here for more information.
Catalogue terminals (iDiscover). These machines are available to all walk-in users and do not require a login. They can only be used for searching the catalogue: physical items, and databases and e-journals to which the University subscribes.
Electronic Legal Deposit terminal. This machine is available to all walk-in users without the need for log-in credentials. It provides access to electronic legal deposit material, i.e. information resources that have been deposited by the publisher in a digital format. PLEASE NOTE: ELD service is currently unavailable or severely limited due to cyberattacks at the the British Library
CD-ROM terminal. A single, non-networked PC is situated on the ground floor of the Library, for the purpose of viewing CD-ROMs and disks from the non-book media collection. No password is required, and printing facilities are not available.

Q. Is there a wireless access hotspot in the Library?

You should be able to gain access to the UniOfCam (formerly Lapwing) and eduroam wireless services from any floor of the Library. If you are having trouble gaining access, please enquire at the Service Desk where staff can direct you to your nearest Wireless Access Point (WAP).

For non-Cambridge library users who wish to use wireless, please enquire at the Service Desk.

Please see our Wireless Access page for further information.

Q. How do I print, copy or scan in the Library?

If the section on printing, scanning or copying here doesn't answer your question then please ask a member of library staff for assistance.

Q. Do you have any NatSci Reading List materials?

Yes. Our main book collection, starting on the second floor, contains many books that have been sourced from the Natural Sciences Reading Lists. The collection also contains items specifically requested by University supervisors.

Q. Where are the maths exam papers from previous years?

Printed copies of the Part III Mathematics past papers from 1998 to 2013 are held at classmark Ref LF483 .M384 1998- in the Reference Collection on the ground floor of the Moore Library. These may not be borrowed, but may be photocopied within the Library

Past papers from the Mathematical Tripos (parts IA, IB, II, and III)NatSci Maths (parts IA and IB), and the MPhils in both Statistical Science and Computational Biology are all available online and here

Q. Is there a designated area where I can work in peace?

Yes. There are designated "Quiet Areas" on the first and second floors. They are reserved for those wishing to work quietly. There is also a sound-proofed Glass Room on the lower-ground floor, although this is not specifically marked as a quiet area, so might not be suitable for this purpose at the time that you need it, generally speaking it is still a quiet area to work. 

Q. How do I log in to electronic resources with my Raven password?

There is a page of Raven FAQs available covering all aspects of obtaining and using your Raven password.

Q. What do I do in the event of a fire alarm?

In the event of a fire alarm please,

  • remain calm and make your way out of the building by the quickest possible route or follow the fire exit signs.
  • DO NOT use the lift. There are fire exits in each stairwell on the ground floor, and also on each side of the lower-ground floor.
  • assemble in front of the library and await instruction from the site Fire Officer

The library staff will check all floors to make sure that the library is clear.

There is more information on this in our Emergency & Fire Evacuation Plans section.

Q. Can I print from my laptop?

If you are a non-University of Cambridge member, then no.

If however you are a University of Cambridge member (you should have a cam domain e-mail address and a CRSid), are using the UniOfCam (formerly Lapwing) or eduroam wireless services and have a Managed-Cluster Desktop Services account (most current students and some staff) then you can print to the library printer on the ground floor. You will need to set your laptop or wireless device up using the instructions here.

Q. What is Secure Electronic Delivery or SED?

Secure Electronic Delivery (SED) is an inter-library loan term that applies to a method of electronic delivery. The method the library uses is the British Library's DRM Lite which enables us to supply encrypted documents (via a link in an e-mail) without the need for any special plug-ins.

When an SED is supplied the requesting end user will be asked to register for a British Library On Demand online account and then activate it. If they have one already, then they may simply enter their On Demand account username and password to open the document.

As the requested document is then locked to the user rather than a machine it means they will be able to open it on multiple platforms. The only tool their PC, laptop or device will need installed is Adobe Reader X or higher.

Further details on DRM Lite can be found here.

Q. What is Text and Data Mining and what TDM resources are available?

Text and Data Mining or TDM is a process through which large amounts of information can be analysed electronically.  This allows researchers to work through far more research content than they would ever be able to do manually.

For more information on how you can implement TDM, the advantages and pitfalls, and the resources to help you utilise the process, please see the TDM LibGuide that has been specially created by University of Cambridge librarians to help: 

Q. What is Open Access?

Open Access refers to the practice of making published research results freely available to anyone with an internet connection, rather than keeping those results hidden behind a subscription paywall. For more information on why it's important and how you can implement the practice, please see this section of the Mathematics LibGuide:

Q. Can the light timer delays be altered?

Currently, all light timers that are over work areas should stay on for an hour after initial activation - the lights will re-activate if you move around. We have to balance the need to provide appropriate lighting with our Green commitments (read here) to reducing the general use of energy and trying to limit the levels of light pollution. Occasionally, the timer delays need a reset - please do report any issues to the staff at the Service Desk.

Q. Does the library have a water dispenser?

Yes. We now have water dispenser units on each of our four floors. These units are connected to the mains water supply and will provide continuous access to filtered drinking waters. You are welcome to fill up your water bottles. Can you report issues with any of the units to a service desk. The units will dispense either chilled water or water at normal cold tap temperature. They will not dispense hot water. The drip trays on each unit are there to catch the drips from the taps only - please do not pour any fluid into these trays.

The units are located in the Pink side stair well (Ground, 1st and 2nd floors) and in the lower ground area to the left just after the study pods from the lift. 

Q. Do you supply cups to drink from?

As a general library policy, we discourage the use of any form of open drinking cup. This is done to prevent accidental spillage onto books, furnishings and equipment (ours and yours!). Users are encouraged to bring their own bottles (those with lids) to fill them from the water dispensers. We are unable to provide bottles for this purpose. There are, however, small cardboard cups at each dispenser.

Q. Can we bring a kettle into the library to make our own hot drinks?

At the time of writing, the use of kettles, by readers, in the library is strictly prohibited. The risk of injury or damage is too high. Any kettles brought in by readers will be removed by library staff and returned to the reader when they exit the building. For those requiring a hot beverage, during normal working hours, there are vending machines in the main CMS pavilion building.

Q. Is smoking or vaping allowed in the library?

Smoking and vaping are prohibited, both inside the library and within 5 metres of the library building.

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