Our users can engage with the Betty & Gordon Moore Library staff across a number of social media platforms.
We maintain a regularly-updated Twitter profile, with original and curated content, detailing news and events about the Library, the University, and innovations in science, technology and associated industries.
We maintain a regularly-updated Instagram profile and use the format to create original content, photos and short videos that detail news and events in and around the Library.
We also maintain a regularly-updated Facebook page, with original and curated content, detailing news and events about the Library, the University, and innovations in science, technology and associated industries.
Here, our users will find videos relating to the library services, library events and research training guides.
Contribution Guidelines
The Betty & Gordon Moore Library, as part of the University of Cambridge, welcomes the community’s contributions to the online discussion environment on its social media platforms.
The Library abides by each social media platform’s terms and conditions, and asks its contributors to do the same. In particular, please do not “post unauthorised commercial solicitations (such as spam)”; “bully, intimidate, or harass any user”; “post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence”; or “do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory”. It is important to note that all comments and postings by non-staff members (“User Content”) do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Betty & Gordon Moore Library.
The library reserves the right to remove any posts that contain commercial solicitations; are factually erroneous/libellous; are wildly off-topic; or that otherwise violate each platform’s rights or responsibilities.