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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Using library resources

Unlike the main University Library, the library doesn't have a dedicated assistive technology area. If you require assistive technologies, please contact the library's Disability Liaison Officer.

There are several height-adjustable desks available for use - these are distinguishable due to the the legs being black rather than grey. 

Library users fitted with pacemakers should be aware that the library uses a book security system which generates electromagnetic fields.

Remote electronic access to many of the library's resources can be found either through eresources@cambridge or via our Scan & Deliver service. Where possible we are always willing to look into making alternative arrangements if this is not an option open to you.

The library has a large main lift for easy access to the library materials. The staff are also happy fetching materials for users requiring additional assistance - please ask as the Service Desk if you require this service.

Parking and access

The Betty & Gordon Moore Library is a relatively new building and was designed to be entirely wheelchair-accessible. It forms part of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences development in the west of Cambridge.

Vehicle access is from Wilberforce Road via Madingley Road. On-site parking is restricted to permit-holders only. With this in mind it would be helpful, if you could contact the library before making your journey.

Wheelchair, pedestrian and cycle access is from Clarkson Road. See Location & Maps for more details.


For those who would like further information about the general facilities and services provided for readers with disabilities, or for those wishing to discuss the implementaton of their own personal emergency & evacuation plans, please contact the library's Disability Liaison Officer on, or before, arrival.

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