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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Day Lockers

Day lockers are available to registered readers. To use a day locker, please enquire at the Service Desk.

The day lockers are intended to provide temporary safe storage for items you do not wish to keep with you whilst you are working in the Library or on site. 

You are welcome to leave your belongings in the day locker and retain the key, but you must clear the locker and return the key to a member of Service Desk staff when you leave the Library at the end of the day.

Keys are issued out to your Library account and are due for return at the end of the day. Keys returned late (e.g., the following day) will accrue fines at the rate of 50p per hour or part thereof.  Lost keys will incur a replacement charge of £50.

Please note: Thieves have been known to operate on site, so we encourage all readers to make use of the day lockers if they are intending to leave valuables unattended in the library.


Found lost property

Property found in the Library should be handed into the Service Desk on the Ground Floor. Where possible, the owner of the item will be contacted and asked to come to the library to claim their property. Details of the item will be taken and entered into the lost property register.

Non-perishable items of lost property will be held at the Service Desk for three months before being disposed of appropriately. Unclaimed items of sufficient quality will be taken to a local charity shop.

Books and materials from other libraries, other than the Moore, will be returned to their respective locations.

All perishable items (including water bottles) will be disposed of, if unclaimed, within 24 hours of being handed in.


Claiming lost property

Enquiries about items of lost property can be made at the Service Desk. Proof of ownership and/or identity must be established to the satisfaction of the member of staff handling the reclaim of the property. Details will be taken and entered into the lost property register and the item(s) signed for.

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