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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library

University of Cambridge graphic for Document Delivery Services; image contains illustration of basic cartoon humans drawn in pop art-like style

University of Cambridge users:

Rapid ILL (or Request a Digital Copy Service)

What does it do?

The Request a Digital Copy Service enables Current Staff and Students (including: NHS, ICE and CTF) to place requests via iDiscover for articles and book chapters not held in the Cambridge Collection and receive them in an electronic format.

 Can I use this service?

As of today, all eligible patrons have had the ability to place requests enabled on their patron accounts.

Is there a guide to this service?

More information can be found at this LibGuide.

 What is the benefit?

This a semi-automated service which operates on a 24 hour turn-around. Within 24 hours the user will either receive a download link to the item, or it will be rejected with the user prompted to request the item via existing Inter-Library Loans services.  

 How is Request a Digital Copy Service different from an Inter Library Loan?

  1. The system automatically assigns a supplying Library from those that hold the item- there is no direct contact between us and the supplying Library.
  2. Material will only be accessible via a URL in a digital format (though the PDF can be printed)
  3. The service isn’t chargeable as it is expected to be reciprocal. ‘Lending’ from Cambridge collections is something we will begin working on.
  4. This isn’t a replacement of Inter-Library Loans, it is designed to quickly supply items which are readily available from other institutions.

 Why have I not heard of this service before?

This service is new to Cambridge and is fairly new across the UK but has a larger International base.

Where has this service come from?

RAPID ILL (RAPID Inter Library Loans) which we are calling Request a Digital Copy Service is part of  Alma.  

If making a request using the new service fails please use the following standard service to make your request.

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