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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Catalogue Terminals

There are Catalogue Terminals (iDiscover) are located on each floor. These machines are available to all walk-in users and do not require a user ID or password. They are intended for catalogue searching and use of the University webpages. It is not possible to print or copy files from these machines.


UIS-Managed Desktop Services Cluster

University Members

There are a number of computers that you can use on each floor of the building, known as University Managed Desktop (UMD) machines. These PCs are managed by the Moore Library and the UL in collaboration with University Information Services (UIS) to provide a full range of computing services to users.

These machines are accessed through your University Login credentials, which is only available to University of Cambridge staff and students.

Non-University Members

We also have three networked machines on the ground floor that can also be accessed by non-University members. These readers will need to have registered with the UL first. They can then login by entering the five-digit V-number from their UL card. Anyone having trouble accessing these machines should enquire at the Service Desk.


Electronic Legal Deposit

Details of this facility can be found here.


CD-ROM Terminal

A single, non-networked PC is situated on the ground floor of the Library, for the purpose of viewing CD-ROMs and disks from the non-book media collection. No password is required, and printing facilities are not available.


IT Support Services

The Moore Library provides training and support for users of the University's networked electronic resources. Subject specialist staff are available to advise on the selection and use of electronic journals, databases, and reference works.

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