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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library

Introduction | Opening & closing | Admissions | Borrowing | Conduct



The Betty and Gordon Moore Library is part of the University Library. Use of the Library is subject to the rules made by the Library Syndicate and the Science Libraries Sub-syndicate.



Opening and closing

1. Except on the days when it is closed under Rule 2, the Library shall be open as follows:

  • Monday - Friday : 9am - 7pm during Full Term, and 9am - 5pm outside Full Term
  • Saturday : 9am - 1pm throughout the year, except during the Summer vacation when the library is closed.

Any variations in these hours determined by the Science Libraries Sub-syndicate will be published and posted in the Library.

2. The Library shall be closed on the following days:

  • Sundays throughout the year;
  • Christmas Eve and the following days up to and including the New Year public holiday;
  • Good Friday and the three following days;
  • The August Bank Holiday.
  • All Saturdays during Summer vacaction

3. Fifteen minutes before the time of closing, all library services shall cease and the staff area be secured.

4. 24-hour access to the Library is provided, when in operation, to registered University of Cambridge users in the following classes:

  • University Officers;
  • Research and support staff
  • Students
  • Visiting scholars, as specified in Regulation 5(4) for the Use of the University Library (Ordinances), including programme participants at the Isaac Newton Institute registered for longer than 2 weeks;




5. See for current rules governing joining the library.

6. The Library shall be open during the hours set out in Rules 1 and 2 to the following:

  • All members of the University and other persons, on the production of either a University card, which has been registered by the University Library, or a valid University Library or Medical Library Reader's card. Use of these cards shall be recorded when readers enter and leave the Library to provide statistical information on the use of the Library by different categories of user.
  • All members of the Cambridge Philosophical Society on the production of appropriate evidence of academic standing and fitness for admission.
  • Visiting Scholars.
  • Participants in Isaac Newton Institute programmes.

7. In addition to those qualified under Rule 6, the following persons may be granted admission to the Library but shall not be allowed to borrow:

(a) Any person over the age of 18 engaged in private study or research, if supported by appropriate evidence of academic standing and fitness for admission. Cards issued shall be valid for six months but may be renewed.

(b) Other persons over the age of 18 engaged in study or research connected with commerce or profit, if supported by appropriate recommendations concerning their suitability and fitness for admission. Cards issued shall be valid for six months but may be renewed.

(c) Undergraduates from other universities normally resident in Cambridge, if supported by appropriate recommendations, to be admitted during the vacations of the University.

(d) All students registered with local higher education institutions with whom the Library has an agreement relating to access.

8. Exceptionally other persons may be admitted at the discretion of the Librarian. All persons admitted to the Library who are not members of the University shall sign an undertaking to observe all the Regulations and Rules. Reader's cards are not transferable.

9. For the issue of a Reader's Card under sections (a) and (b) of Rule 7, there shall be an administrative charge of £10 made for Cards valid for up to six months. No charge is made for the single issue within any twelve month period of a Card valid for up to seven consecutive days, nor for the issue of a Reader's Card to a current member of the academic staff or registered research student of any other university funded by one of the higher education funding councils in the United Kingdom, nor for the issue of a Reader's Card to a member of the Friends of the Library. The whole or part of the administrative charge may be waived at the discretion of the Librarian. The issue of a Reader's Card in accordance with this Rule shall not exempt the holder from payment of the full cost of using any service or facility for which the Library normally makes a charge. Temporary readers may be required to work in a particular area designated by the Librarian and shall comply with any special conditions laid down by the Sub-Syndicate.

10. The Syndicate reserves the right to cancel at any time, without assigning cause for the cancellation, any Reader's Card issued under Rule 7.

11. Young children may not be brought into the Library. 

12. The Syndicate may direct the exclusion, either indefinitely or for a specified period, of any person whose admission they consider prejudicial to the interests of the Library or its users.





(a) Not more than twenty items may be borrowed by persons eligible to borrow from the University Library under Regulations 5(1) and 5(4) of the Ordinances;

(b) Not more than ten items may be borrowed by year 1-3 undergraduates;

(c) The Science Libraries Sub-syndicate may in exceptional cases grant to other persons the privilege of borrowing under such conditions as they think fit;

(d) The Science Libraries Sub-syndicate may grant permission for more than ten items to be borrowed if they are of the opinion that sufficient reasons have been advanced.

14. Books of reference shall not be taken out of the Library, but certain books placed in reference classes may be borrowed at the discretion of the Librarian or a person appointed by the Librarian.

15. Periodical volumes are non-borrowable under Rule 13 but not more than five items may be borrowed overnight by readers with borrowing rights.

16. Unbound works or parts of works awaiting binding may not be borrowed except by special permission of the Librarian or a person appointed by them, but may be consulted in a Library reading room.

17. Any item borrowed under Rule 13(a), 13(b), 13(c), or 13(d) shall be returned not later than its maximum loan period (usually four times the length of the initial loan), provided that the Syndicate shall have power to demand its return earlier. Borrowers may request multiple renewals of the loan up to the item's maximum loan period date. At the end of the maximum loan period each item must be returned to the Library. [Loans may also be subject to automatic renewals for the lifetime of a reader patron record}

18. Every person who fails to return a loan in accordance with Rule 17 shall be liable for a fine for each day that elapses before the item has been returned or the Librarian notified that it has been lost.

19. Any reader who requires an item that has been borrowed by another person may give notice to the Librarian that he or she requires the book. The Librarian shall request the borrower to return the item to the Library by an amended due date. The borrower shall comply with this requirement or be liable to fines as in Rule 18.

20. No item borrowed from the Library may be taken or sent out of the British Isles or used for commercial purposes without the written permission of the Syndicate.

21. The loan period of any item in particular demand may be restricted at the discretion of the Librarian.

22. No item printed before 1900 may be borrowed or photocopied except at the discretion of the Librarian.

23. All readers borrowing Library materials, ordering materials for use within the Library, or requesting other services shall be required to produce evidence of identity if requested to do so.

24. No person shall remove any item from the Library without following the borrowing procedures laid down by the Syndicate, on pain of paying a fine not exceeding £175. Any person who having borrowed an item is unable, without showing good reason, to return it, and any person who wilfully damages an item, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £175. The imposition of such fines shall be without prejudice to the University's right to obtain, in addition, compensation for any loss or damage suffered by the University.

25. Personal details of borrowers of Library materials may not be disclosed to other readers, nor shall any person use the computerised facilities of the Library to obtain or process data except in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, 1999. & General Data Protection Regulation 2016




26. Bottles of ink, correction fluid and other potentially damaging substances, cameras and personal copying machines shall not be taken into the Library.

27. Smoking is not permitted in the Library.

28. The marking of any Library materials is forbidden.

29. The use of portable computers is permitted in the Library provided they are quiet in operation. Users of this equipment may be required to work in specified areas or to stop using a computer if it constitutes a distraction to other readers.

30. The use of equipment likely to disturb or distract other readers or to damage Library materials (e.g. mobile telephones, digital scanners, radios, personal hi-fi equipment, or computers to perform any of the functions of such machines) is not permitted in the Library.

31. The Library Syndicate shall have the power to impose a fine not exceeding £175 on any person who wilfully infringes any of these Rules. Any person from whom any fine is due that has been imposed under these Rules shall not be admitted to the Library nor allowed to borrow until such fine has been paid.

32. Use of the Library's computers shall be only in accordance with the terms of the JANET Acceptable Use policy.

33. Readers are not permitted to go barefoot in the Library.

34. Library staff are empowered to stop any activity in the Library which they consider prejudicial to the safety, well-being, or security of readers or Library staff or to the preservation of the collections.

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