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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Emergency & Fire Evacuation

During Staffed Hours

In the event of an emergency, please contact the nearest member of staff.

In the event of a fire alarm please,

  • do remain calm and make your way out of the building by the quickest possible route or follow the fire exit signs.
  • don't operate the lift.
  • do make your way to the assembly area, which is located to left of the library entrance and await instructions from the site Fire Officer.

There are fire exits in each stairwell on the ground floor, and two to the rear of the lower-ground floor. There is an emergency evacuation chair on the first and second floors.

The library staff will check all floors to make sure that the library is clear. Assistance will be provided at this time should you require it.

If you have any further concerns about our emergency and evacuation plans, please do ask at the Library Service Desk on arrival.

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