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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


We have two bookable study spaces at the Moore Library: the Pink Room and the Blue Room. For full details, see here.

Booking restrictions:

  • Registered users (Current staff and Students, Visiting academics with borrowing rights. INI visitors by arrangement) 
  • 5-hour maximum booking period
  • Users can only book dates within the current University term
  • Rooms are only available during staffed hours and are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis
  • Rooms should be vacated 15 minutes before the Service Desk closes

Please note: If you are more than 15 minutes late, staff reserve the right to cancel your booking and reallocate.

If you need to cancel a booking please let us know in advance.

Live Booking Calendars

Note: Calendars may not display on terminals with restricted access.

Below is the calendar for the Pink Study Room.


Below is the calendar for the Blue Study Room.



Booking Form

For more information about how we handle your personal information, and your rights under data protection legislation, please see

