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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Readers across Cambridge University Libraries have access to the Electronic Legal Deposit collections of e-books and e-journals restored. 

At the end of October 2023, the British Library was subject to a major cyber-attack which disrupted access to UK Electronic Legal Deposit publications, including at Cambridge. A full scan of the Electronic Legal Deposit collections of e-books and e-journal articles has confirmed that they are intact and free of any malware that might have been left by the attackers.

The most recent stage, which has now been completed, was to build a platform on which to access this content. The new interface is an interim solution with limited functionality, but is both secure and compliant with the very specific access restrictions required by UK statute.

For the time-being, access will only be possible for the Electronic Legal Deposit collections of e-books and e-journals collected prior to October 2023. (Access to other e-books and e-journals outside of Electronic Legal Deposit remain available as before).

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