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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Journals may be found on the lower-ground floor of the Library. They are arranged alphabetically by title within their main single- or two-letter (Library of Congress) LC classification. The alphabetic sequence is word-by-word excluding both initial and internal stop words (e.g.; of, for, and, the, und, die, et, la, etc.)

Many journals are shelved in mobile shelving units. Library users are asked to follow the instructions on the safe use of these units at all times - in particular always to check that no-one is using an aisle before closing it.

Major journal classmarks used in the Moore Library are:

GC Oceanography
HA Statistics (see also QA)
Q General science
QA Mathematics
QA75 Computer Science
QB Astronomy & Astrophysics
QC Physics, Geophysics & Meteorology
QD Chemical Sciences
QE Earth Sciences
QH-S Biological & Medical Sciences
T General Technology
TA General & General Civil Engineering
TC Hydaulic & Ocean Engineering
TD Envrionmental Technology & Sanitary Engineering
TE Highway Engineering
TG Bridge Engineering`
TJ Mechanical Engineering
TK Electrical, Electronic & Nuclear Engineering
TL Aeronautical, Astronautical &Automotive Engineering
TN Mining Engineering & Metallurgy
TP Chemical Technology
TS Manufacturing Engineering


Again, a small number of titles transferred from the Materials Science Library are shelved separately pending their amalgamation into the main journals sequence.

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