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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library


The Betty & Gordon Moore Library is pleased to offer a series of resources to help you manage your data more effectively. For more in-depth support, please see the excellent Cambridge University Library and Research Support Office resources at


Data Management Handy Guides

The guides below are available to download and print under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. There are two options for printing:

  1. Downloadable content - this will allow you to print large A4 PDF versions of the guides.
  2. Online viewer - this will take allow you to read content online via the Issuu platform.


Data management


Data Management Handy Guide front cover

Downloadable content (PDF)

Online reader

Good data management is the foundation of a successful research project but how do you make sure to start in the right way? This handy guide outlines the basics of good data management for researchers.

Downloadable content (PDF)

Online reader

Data management plans are required by many funders and an increasing number of institutions. This guide outlines the most common areas found in plans and how researchers can address these.


Data Management Videos

Keep up-to-date with these data management tutorials in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee.

Research Data Management in 3 Minutes


Data Management Plans in 3 Minutes


Research Support Ambassadors - Managing Data Unit

This online resource outlines the basics behind Research Data Management (RDM) to help build a solid strategy to save time and energy and, in particular, to help researchers find that important piece of data at short notice.

Managing Data LibGuide image

Click the image above or click here to access the LibGuide resource.


Love Data Week

Love Data Week is an event celebrating all things data that is usually scheduled for the week around February 14, 2020.

Social Media Coverage

For those following the week via social media, you can follow the event via the #lovedata hashtag.

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