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The Betty & Gordon Moore Library

Thursday, 2 April, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


This session will discuss a number of ways to increase your productivity during your studies. Firstly we will look at how to decipher your reading lists, before moving onto reading and note taking techniques. We will also take a look at how you can prioritise your tasks and time. Finally we will look at some of the ways you can create your perfect working atmosphere - from comfy seats to background noise apps.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 26 March, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Metrics have long been used as an indicator of academic success and as a way to make key decisions. As the measurement of impact becomes increasingly important within academia there has been something of a backlash against trusting purely quantitative methods of assessment. The Responsible Metrics movement aims to ensure that metrics are used fairly alongside other measures to gather a true assessment of impact. This session will discuss what the Responsible Metrics movement is, why it was developed, its importance and how research staff can get involved.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 19 March, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Creative Commons licenses sit alongside existing copyright regulations as a way to help researchers use existing creations and share their own work with others. This session will explore the history of the Creative Commons movement, explore how the licenses can be put together and how researchers can use them to their best advantage.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 12 March, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Many funders now require evidence of how researchers will manage the data they use and collect before funding is even released. Although this can seem like yet another piece of unnecessary paperwork, data management plans can actually make the research process much more efficient. This interactive session will encourage participants to think about the different elements of a plan and give them a chance to review existing plans to gather ideas they can use in their own work.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 5 March, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


From fair dealing to sharing your research online it seems that nothing with copyright is ever simple. There are few black and white rules about copyright but there can be serious consequences for getting things wrong! This session will cover the basics of UK copyright law and how these impact researchers such as dealing with third party materials, seeking permissions and how to manage risk.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 27 February, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


Data management is a vital part of all research projects. Done well it can save time and stress as well as making the research process more efficient. This session will introduce participants to the basic elements of managing the information they use and create as part of their projects including how information can be backed up, stored and shared.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 20 February, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


This session introduces participants to the importance of good referencing practices within their work, and how it promotes good academic integrity. The University of Cambridge’s position on plagiarism will be examined before moving on to a discussion around good referencing techniques (both by hand and using a reference manager), using the Harvard referencing style as an example. Participants will see a live demonstration of the reference management tool Zotero, and will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions or book a follow-up 1-2-1 session.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 13 February, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


This session will look at the 'problem' of so-called predatory publishers. These firms regularly approach researchers via email to solicit manuscripts and conference papers and with the increased emphasis on publishing as a measure of success it can be easy to give into temptation. This session will look at whether these publishers are a problem, how to spot a potential predatory publisher or conference and the best action to take if you are approached.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Thursday, 6 February, 2020
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


This session will introduce participants to a variety of methods used to communicate research before moving on to a discussion around best practice and techniques when preparing a presentation. Participants will first be given advice on producing slides, focusing on good design, accessibility, data presentation, and accessing Creative Commons licenced materials for their work. The session will conclude with an exploration of good delivery techniques with additional advice on what to do if it all goes wrong.

If this session is fully booked, please register your interest to be added to the waiting list.

To book a place via the University Training Booking System, click here.


Tuesday, 26 November, 2019
13:00 - 14:00
Pink Study Room, Betty & Gordon Moore Library


This session will introduce participants to different methods of communicating research before moving on to a discussion around best practice and techniques when preparing a presentation. Participants will be introduced to concepts around good design, accessibility, data presentation, and accessing Creative Commons licenced materials for their work. The session will conclude with an exploration of good delivery techniques with additional advice on what to do if it all goes wrong.

This session will take place in the Pink Room. If this session is fully booked, please join the waiting list.

Book a place here.


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